$ 1,234.00
Below is a list of classes and Awards for the Uncanoonuc Mountaineers show on Saturday October 26th from 8 AM - 3 PM. Please enter your sled or mini-bike in a class, the awards will be given out by popular vote. You can pre-register by contacting me at the above phone or email.
Classes for the Uncanoonuc Mountaineers of Goffstown Snowmobile Show
Original Snowmobile
Registered Trail Rider (Snowmobile)
Restored Snowmobile
Modified Snowmobile
Cutter/Cutter Combo
Original Mini-Bike
Restored Mini-Bike
Custom Mini-Bike
Awards to be given out at the show
Best of Show
Best Display
Most Unique Snowmobile
Most Unique Mini-Bike
Loudest Pipe Contest – Stock, Single Mod, and Multi Mod
Hardest Ridden Snowmobile
Hardest Ridden Mini-Bike
Largest Snowmobile Display
Largest Mini-Bike Display
Highest Mileage Snowmobile
Highest Mileage Mini-Bike
Longest Distance Traveled to Show
Oldest Snowmobile
Oldest Mini-Bike
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