Gallery UPCOMING MUSEUM EVENTS Search AdsSearch by keyword Latest Adsvintage ski doo gas tanks Good solid clean tanks. No breaks, no repairs. $50,00 each. Pick up only in Ashland, Massachusetts, twenty miles west of…[Read more] 1972 Ski doo Nordic 640 cab Good cab, fully intact, no cracks, no breaks, no repairs. Hinge mounts are good. Retractable headlight moves but will need…[Read more] 1974 Alouette Super Brute 295 1974 Alouette Super Brute 295. Owned for several years. This was on display at the Eagle RIver Museum for 13…[Read more] Donate Online! Click or scan the code to donate online! …or send check or money order to: New Hampshire Snowmobile Museum PO Box 10112 Concord, NH 03301